The day begins with a parade of bikes, strollers and wagons decked out in red, white and blue, leaving from Chestnutwold Elementary at 10am. We will wind our way through the neighborhood and end up at Elwell Field for the "best-decorated" contest, field events, the Big Splash, and lots of good food for purchase, including Owl's Water Ice!
Bring your own water bottle, and we'll provide free refills. Stay to the end for a visit from the Oakmont Fire Department! They'll be showing off one of their trucks and hosing down the crowd.
We need volunteers on the day of the event! Please sign up HERE today, as it will help us plan. Feel free to sign up for multiple roles, selling hot dogs, helping with the field games, or working the tattoo table. You can also contribute items to our SABA Bake Sale Table, lend us pop-up tents, or donate other supplies.
There is no rain date for this event. If the weather is questionable, please check our website ( or our Facebook page (S.A.B.A. South Ardmore Betterment Alliance) to verify whether we will proceed.
Where and when:
10AM: parade starts at Chestnutwold Elementary
10:15AM-1:00PM: activities at Elwell Field